If you want to exchange links, you may use our banner & please write to me

GSM: ++386 (0)40  517 707, e-mail: milena.hribar@amis.net


FIFe - Federation Feline Internationale
ZFDS - Zveza felinoloških društev Slovenije

CFA - The Cat Fanciers Association
CFA International - The Cat Fanciers Association International Division
TICA - The International Cat Association
TICA International - The International Cat Association International


Planet Devon has a listing of Devon breeders all around the world,
available kittens and adult cats, breed history and many interesting articles on the Devon Rex.


FBRL - Fanciers Breeder Federal List (DEVON REX Information)




Traum von FF Siamese and Orientals





Milena Hribar, Mob: ++386 40 / 517 707, E-mail: milena.hribar@amis.net
© All text and photos owned by Raul's Cattery. All rights reserved.