
I keep going up to Peca all the time. It's quite close to my home and I've been up there in summer, in winter, in the middle of the night, in fair and bad weather, you name it. It's actually a very lovely peak with quite a scenic view. Kamniske Alpe in proximity are especially worthy sight.

Peca is easy to reach, although you can choose a rather interesting trail with a couple of steep spots. This one is for climbers with experience. But the usual trail is suitable for everybody. It takes something like 2 hours to reach the top.

This photo shows the top part of the mountain. The summit is closer than it seems: you'll be there in 20 minutes.

A winter scene from the summit. Behind Jure you can see the Austrian part of Peca and Austrian Alps on the horizon.

This is a picture from June 1997. This saddle is one of the nicest spots on the trail, with a great view towards Kamniske Alpe range in the background.

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