Climbing & Hiking in the Alps of Slovenia

Hi there! I'm Brigita and I *love* hiking and climbing! Many of my spare moments are dedicated to these activities. Luckily, I live quite close to the Alps and can go there often. On these pages, I'm presenting some peaks I climbed. I would like to do a bit more than just a set of pretty pictures; so I have included some info about hiking and climbing trails. Starting points, hike durations, skill levels needed, when to go and such. Hope someone out there finds all this useful!

Almost all pictures are clickable, which will display a larger version. And then you can return with the "Back" button of your browser.

There are three mountain ranges in Slovenian Alps

1. Julian Alps - the highest mountain range in our country

2. Kamnisko Savinjske Alpe - they're closest to my home and I have climbed almost all peaks in this range

3. Karavanke - slightly lower and gentler peaks along Austrian border

Note: most of the pictures have been taken around 2000/2001 and these pages went online in early 2001. I still go hiking occasionally, but not as often as before. The reason: I have two small kids now. They can be seen here:

