
Ponca lies on Italian border and it forms the western boundary of Tamar valley. Planica, a famous spot for ski jumping, is placed at the base of Ponca. The starting point is a hut in the Tamar valley. This hut has trails going to all directions. From there, you can go to Jalovec, Mangrt, Mojstrovka, Vrsic pass etc etc... and Ponca, too.

The first part of the trail leads through a beautiful forest; after two hours or so, you're above the tree limit. Count on 4 or 5 hours to make it to the top. When it looks like you've made it, don't hold your breath just yet. Visoka Ponca actually lies slightly ahead. First you must go down a bit and then up again. This final part can be a bit tricky, so watch your step.

This photo shows my friends and me with Visoka Ponca in the background.

This picture has been taken on the final, steep part. From here, it's just about half an hour to the summit. But, as said, not easy. This is the south face and some climbers choose to go straight ahead across these seemingly vertical walls. The marked trail leads to the right (across the southeastern side).

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